◽️Leads the largest Spanish-speaking business and investment platform on the planet.
◽️Has been listed as the "World's # 1 High-End Hispanic Business Mentor".
◽️Named in U.K. as one of the "Top 10 Entrepreneurs To Watch In 2020".
◽️He is the an International Best Selling Author in the USA and Canada.
◽️He has been awarded for his work as an author and entrepreneur in Canada and the USA.
◽️Has been recognized on countless international news and business portals, including FOX, ABC, NBC, and the London Post.
◽️His Be the Boss Conference is held in 7 countries every year (including Spain, Canada, USA and Mexico, among others).
◽️His Millionaires' Mastermind Retreats are amongst the most successful on the planet.
◽️His Mentorship Program is one of the best in the world of its kind, and has more than 100 clients from 5 continents (with a cost of up to $ 250,000 per year).
◽️Has an active following of over 1 million followers on Instagram (with a combined amount of 2.2M on all social media platforms).